Faces Of The Underground – Music Videos

I probably mentioned a few times in my blog that I really like music videos, especially creating them. It’s something about, matching the rhythm and melody to images, colors, and animations. Blending a powerful riff with energetic editing is just something mhmmhmhmhmhm……

Now, am I good at it? Yeah, am I great at it? Well, I personally don’t think that, but I will leave it for you to decide. So I want to share a few videos I made a couple of years ago. We had an opportunity to film Faces Of The Underground rap concert in Kaunas. There were no “Major Players” there, well because it was an underground event, but we did manage to get lots of great performances.

The project was split into two parts – first, film the event, capturing the performances, reactions, and crowd actions. The second was to come up with an idea and film B-roll to fill in the gaps and make it more of a “Music video” than just a recording.

For the first half, we used a DYI stabilizer that was made from pipes and wires, trust me it looked weird 😀 At that time I didn’t have my trusty Ronin, so guess what we ran into problems. While lots of shots were stable, sometimes the gimbal would just do a litle exorcism jiggle and then try to get back to place. This would mess up your shot and with the limited stage space, your shots begin to look a bit the same.

But hold on, sure my gimbal doing the jiggy wiggy isn’t the worst problem, sure sure. Bet the problem was that the stage lighting was not adjusted for filming, so I ran into two problems. First, because of my camera and the frequency of the light I had

The first music video was for the amazing artist Micro One, and it was more of a chance to dip our toes into what we want and what we can do. Now I can see that it was pretty repetitive and there was a bit too much overuse of warp stabilizer. But it was made in a few hours, just grab a car and a pack of cigarettes and go driving around the city, you’re bound to capture something interesting. In the end, I think it’s great for how much time I invested in it, and hey, over 20k views, that’s something. So enjoy…

The second video was made completely out of live footage, it was the fastest required to render, so there was no time to film anything different. The worst thing is that this song came up around the time when my camera and gimbal was acting up. The result was basically that most shots are either blurred or weirdly framed. I had to fill the missing spaces with random shots from the audience. Looking back, I didn’t do the best job here matching the beat and flow. But hey you live – you learn, or some other excuses, so here’s the video…

The best project, in my opinion, was the Laiko Forma – Punktyrai music video. For it I took some Guy Fieerys masks, some Police-looking hats, a baseball bat, and just went into the night city to maybe capture something cool. At this point, we didn’t have a shot plan or script set up, so we just kind of improvised and prayed to God it would make sense in post. It actually did, and I was managed to pull up some nice flow in this one, I also really like some of the shots, they can be a great desktop background. Here is the final result:

The last music video was a bit rushed I admit that. We still had a pretty good song left, but not enough time to come up with or film something interesting for it. The solution was to take some footage I had of some abandoned buildings in winter and just mixed them up with the live footage. Add some random mirroring or other transitions and you have a pretty decent end result. Oh and the song has some themes of coldness and loneliness, so the stock footage fits quite nice. Enjoy a song by Micro One...

Here, hope you liked the songs and the music videos. Here are some more music videos if you like.

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