I’m kind of lost here, like do we just have to push as much content as possible? Do all the streaming services need to be filled to the brink with content, no matter the quality or even if it’s finished?
There will be another series from R.R Martin, another unfinished series where only 3 books are written and the author himself stated he wants to have at least 3-5 more books. Another series set in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, basically the same thing just with a different paint job.
I don’t even know how you can have the same passion for worldbuilding after you worked on a series for more than 10 years and multiple iterations. I really like Martin’s work overall, but with this, it feels like he’s just pushing all the work to a later date.

In the perfect world, that’s absolutely fine, take all you need, but time is time, you don’t have infinite amounts of it. Life won’t give you a time capsule so you could write another book. Especially when adding mental and physical health problems that come with age, and a book, particularly fantasy or sci-fi, isn’t something you can just sit and binge work to the end.
Martin himself admitted that he’s not as fast as he used to be when he was younger. I absolutely get that, but I think your own work has lots to do with this. When you starting out, you want to prove the world something, so you have that passion to push yourself. But when your work is recognized, you start easing yourself, creating different stories, or just doing other stuff.

If you worked as a freelancer, the best example of this is money. If you get paid as soon as the contract starts, you’re probably not going to push yourself, you won’t start working imminently. But if that money is still on the line, you will automatically try to finish it, since you still have something to prove.
I also guess that the peak is reached, however sad that would sound. There wouldn’t be a show like Game of Thrones, no story Martin comes up with will top that. And after all the bullshit with the series finale, I would probably have a hard time picking up the pace and finishing my stories.
Maybe, Martin is just like me. I have this problem that I love coming up with wolds and stories, but always hit a dead wall when it comes to end these stories. There’s just a lot to check, make sure you give the right note to end on and check what plot holes you leave.
Well, all I can do is wish the best of health and luck to R.R. Martin, it just started to seem like we gave him a bit too much benefit of the doubt.
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