New Music Clip – CyberPunk

Creating something requires a lot of motivation. Sure working in a team can make this easier. But try that when you’re stuck in a once-in-a-lifetime quarantine…

Yeah, it sucks, but I think I actually understood the problem that keeps me unmotivated. That reason – there’s just too much of everything, you feel overwhelmed and not really sure where you should start.

Should I do this...maybe it’s a waste of time, maybe I would be beter off doing something else.

So I found the problem, now for the tricky part – solution. After a couple of sleepless nights, I think I found one.

Limiting yourself – yeah, if the problem is too much of everything, make sure you don’t have the options.

Wanting to make a complicated video. Needing to buy lots of props. Rewrite the scenario a couple of times. That’s all good, but I just lose that motivation in the middle. Except if you can get it from external sources, if not, it’s just you baby.

I Will Call This Project – Limitations for Motivations. Here is the first music video I made using this concept.

The rules are these:

Select a royalty-free song – pick 3 that you think might be good, not perfect just go with your guts, if its sucks it sucks.

My choice for this was Max Brhon – Cyberpunk

Film only in the evenings or weekends – not wasting too much time and using your “boring” hours.

Use the props you have – Take 2-3 things you have lying around, maybe it’s an old phone, maybe some lights. Try to make the best out of what you can.

Don’t overthink it – it’s easy to get lost in the see of effects and visual ideas, maybe this maybe that. Just shus it, start with the most simple techniques and cuts, then let the ideas come to you.

The thing is that if you can make a small project, like this video clip here, your motivation might actually start to come back…slowly but surely, or at least I hope that’s going to happen.

Oh and the worst thing for me is to try to share my work, I don’t know, I just don’t like shoving it into people’s faces. But I try to fix this a bit too…

Wish me luck and I will keep you updated.

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