Animal Photography Projects I Did in 2019

Hey now, animals are awesome, sometimes they make taking photos so easy, and sometimes they are too excited even to stop for a god damn minute. But anyway, here you can find a few photoshoots I did in the good old 2019, remember, before everything was on fire.

The first, of course, is our main GOOD BOY – ODINAS. He usually has more energy than a nuclear power plant, so my plan was to give it a good reason to run ( Treats ) and just try to capture as many photos with high shutter speed. Here are the results:

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Next, let’s get a bit cold. We had the opportunity to snap some photos of these bad boys. Granted these photos are not the best and I still had a lot to learn, mostly about shutter speed and focus. But I still like these photos for their atmosphere.

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Next up, we have a trio – 1 cat (Murzė) and 2 dogs (Ramzis and Pūkis). I’m upping the stakes here, and here you can find a lot of random photos from the whole summer, hell, some of these are from 2018, so you can call these photos old but Gold.

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There are also a couple of Dogs that are regular guess at our office, well calling them guess is a disservice, their part of the team. So, I’m gonna be frank, I might go and take some sneaky photos of them while no one is watching. Sure, that’s not the best way, but they are sooo cute.

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That’s it for now, we’re done, see you later alligator.

Also, here are some more Animal Photography If you like and some very old Ramzis photos on Facebook

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