Home Made Food 2019

While I really like taking photos of great looking food, I also like eating that great looking home made food. So my other half in life is a restaurant manager so her whole life is connected with food. Bam that’s a win right here, though my fat ass would tell you otherwise.

So, as in with all life aspects, cooperation is most important. While she makes sweets and other tasty things I photograph them in all their glory, that’s how we spend most of our days. You want to see some of these tasty photos? Well too bad because you’re here already!

What’s the best way to start? Of course, the traditional Lithuanian Zeppelins, wait, no that’s not the right name, we’re not going to crash and burn, yet. I mean these bad boys:

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Next up the thing that every man loves, buns buns buns, cinnamon buns.

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Then we have some home-cooked bread, a Strudel, niam niam, and some eggs I guess 😀

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And for our last trick in homemade food, the one thing that is famously known for being impossible, the Leaning Tower Of Pancakes. Well, we tried making American-style pancakes, but it reality I think they were not enough fluffy. So imagine this tower if these bad boys would be even bigger.

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IndrÄ—s Home Made Food InstagramRestaurant Food Photography

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