Kaunas Old Town and Other City Photos

I’m a firm believer that you can find beauty in the most unexpected places. You know those people that just can’t stay in their own city or country, because “There’s nothing beautiful here”, to me these people are just masses that see an Instagram post, nod their head, and immediately regurgitates everything they’ve seen. If you don’t already get it, I F hate these people, and I’m sorry if that offends someone.

It’s not only a bad image of the city on its own, but it shows a very lazy approach to life. They don’t want to add extra work to find interesting places, take a second to look up, or take a quick journey themselves. Nah, these people like when everything is served on a plate. To each, its own way of living I guess, and I can’t really criticize these people, but hey, maybe don’t trash your country or city.

Whew, the rant is over, I think. Kaunas was first mentioned in 1361, so it’s an old city. You can find middle ages style buildings here, there are tons of Soviet Union build stuff, and of course, at the same time, it has new glass skyscrapers popping in. There are lots of things to find here, but not always on the main path. So one day, that was my goal, roam the streets of Kaunas and find interesting places for photos. Later on, I also started collecting all of Kaunas Graffiti, which helped me see my city in a new light.

And in all honesty, I found hundreds of interesting small things, ornaments, weird architecture, signs of crazy street culture, or just people living their life. The more you invest in your surroundings the more beautiful stuff and more history you notice. Here are a few of my favorite shots that I think captures the spirit of my city.

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I also like to do these mini-lessons, well, I don’t really know if you can really call it lessons, where we take one theme and meet to take photos. It usually something simple, like star photography, light trails, and today’s subject urban environment. The process is super simple, we just talk about a few aspects of what we have learned over the years in one field or another while just shooting away. The results are a few nice photos and maybe and a new way of looking at a subject. I think you can sometimes get stuck doing the same thing that works, and you can lose that passion for new discovery. So here are Urban lesson photos, and I think there are a bit of Kaunas Birthday photos mixed in there, upse dupsi.

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Pst, here are some more about Kaunas architecture.

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