Movie Titles Represented By Food – 2020

Some ideas just kind of comes to you in the weirdest ways, for example when you’re watching a movie like American Pie and eating a nice slice of American style pie. You think “Hm, what other movies there are with food in their title”. My first job was to find all movies with exactly that in the title, here IMDB helped a lot. Next, I picked 10 movies that I think I can recreate in my own kitchen, and after settling on the list, the work began.

It was a fun quick project so I made due mostly with things I had, some of these sadly required a bit of photoshop. I did want it to be as practical as it can be, but hey, it is what it is. So here are the results, Movie Titles Represented By Food:

Google Photo
Google Photo
Google Photo
Google Photo
Google Photo
Google Photo
Google Photo
Google Photo
Google Photo
Google Photo

Now that I’m looking at some list, I find more and more films with food in the title. Most of them are old movies from the 70ties or some old french romance. But I kind of feel like I should still try to come up with part 2 of this project and give them their own photos. Hm, I’m honestly a bit torn on this, If I have time and maybe if people like this project I will try to do another 10 movies.

But some of these movies just name like, Pineapple and its some weird old movie, so is it really worth investing time in it? Hell, what do you think my imaginary friend? Yeah, that’s what I thought, so if we survive 2020, since there’s still some months of this suffering left, we will make Movie Titles Represented By Food – 2021.

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